Reports & Presentations
Slovic, P., & Lin, H. (2018, September). The caveman and the bomb in the digital age. In Effects of the global information ecosystem on the risk of nuclear conflict. Workshop conducted at the Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Gregory, R., & Slovic, P. (2015). Structuring intervention decisions to prevent genocide and mass atrocities (Working Paper No. 15-02). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Slovic, P. (2009, March). Talking about recycled water—and stigmatizing it (Report No. 15-01). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Dieckmann, N. (2008, May). Numeracy: A review of the literature (Report No. 08-2). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Gregory, R., Failing, L., & Leiserowitz, A. (2006). Climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation in Northwest Alaska (Report No. 06-11). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Leiserowitz, A. A., & Craciun, J. (2006). Alaskan opinions on global warming (Report No. 06-10). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Satterfield, T., Roberts, M., Henare, M., Finucane, M., Benton, R., & Henare, M. (2005, May). Culture, risk, and the prospect of genetically modified organisms as viewed by Tangata Whenua.
Lin, S., & Slovic, P. (2003, August). Sign theory: A non-extensional theory of preference (Report No. 06-03). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Svenson, O., & Slovic, P. (2002, February). Can word associations and affect be used as indicators of differentiation and consolidation in decision making? (Report No. 02-04). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
MacGregor, D. G., & Race, M.S. (2001). Microbiologists’ perceptions of planetary protection (Report No. 98-3). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Finucane, M. L. (2000, November). Improving quarantine risk communication: Understanding public risk perceptions (Report No. 00-7). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
MacGregor, D.G., & Slovic, P. (2000, November). Retirement plans and financial expectations: A survey of leading-edge “baby boomers” (Report No. 00-8). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Gregory, R., & Satterfield, T. (1998). A survey of forest-management information needs in British Columbia (Report No. 98-12). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
MacGregor, D. G., Slovic, P., & Race, M. S. (1998). Lay and expert perceptions of planetary protection (Report No. 98-2). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Slovic, P., MacGregor, D. G., & Peters, E. (1998). Imagery, affect, and decision making (Report No. 98-1). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Satterfield, T., Johnson, S. M., Neil, N., & Slovic, P. (1997). Attitudes and perceptions associated with osteoporosis and its treatments (Report No. 97-9). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Slovic, P., Satterfield, T., Mertz, C. K., & Flynn, J. (1996). Psychological and social impacts associated with contamination from the Woolfolk chemical works plant in Fort Valley, Georgia (Report No. 96-12). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
MacGregor, D. G. (1994). Risk perception, communication, and community relations (Report No. 94-11). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Slovic, P. (1991). Problems of policy implementation in distributed decision systems (Report No. 91-4). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Lichtenstein, S., MacGregor, D. G., & Slovic, P. (1989). Creating algorithms as an aid to judgment (Report No. 87-5). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Fischhoff, B., & Johnson, S. (1986). The evolution of command and control systems (Report No. 86-7). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Fischhoff, B. (1985). Judging unlikely conjunctions (Report 2, No. 85-2). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Fischhoff, B. (1985). Prejudices about bias (Report No. 85-3). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Lichtenstein, S. (1984, November). Comparable worth as multiattribute utility (Report No. 85-1). Paper presented at the meeting of the Judgment and Decision Making Society, San Antonio, Texas. Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Lichtenstein, S., & MacGregor, D. G. (1984). Structuring as an aid to performance in baserate problems (Report No. 84-16). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
MacGregor, D. G. (1984, December). Understanding public reaction to risk analysis (Report No. 84-17). Paper prepared for NSF/EPA workshop on Risk Perception and Risk Communication, Los Angeles. Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Fischhoff, B., MacGregor, D., & Lichtenstein, S. (1983). Categorical confidence (Report No. 81- 10). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Kadane, J., & Lichtenstein, S. (1982). A subjectivist view of calibration (Report No. 82-6). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Beyth-Marom, R. (1981). The subjective probability of conjunctions (Report No. 81-12). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Shaklee, H., & Fischhoff, B. (1977). Discounting in multicausal attribution: The principle of minimal causation (Report No. 77-11). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Dawes, R. M., Shaklee, H., & Talarowski, F. (1976). On getting people to cooperate when facing a social dilemma: Moralizing helps (Report No. 76-8). Eugene, OR: Decision Research.
Slovic, P. (1973, May). Behavioral problems of adhering to a decision policy. Paper presented at the Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, Napa, California.